P1 11th October 2024
We have had a fantastic week in Primary 1 and it was so lovely to speak to all of the parents during our appointments.
Tickled Pink:
- We loved doing a letter scavenger hunt this morning during phonics, practising reading the sounds and forming them on our paper.
- We enjoyed exploring all of the puppets for the different fairy tale stories we have covered for our topic and talking about which one was our favourite.
- We have been using playdough to help with addition, making the correct number of balls to show the numbers that we need to add together then counting them all and writing the total number for our answer.
Green for Growth:
- Some children found it quite tricky to remember some of the names of our 3D shapes – we will keep practising this.
- We have been doing blending this week and some children were finding it a bit tricky to remember some of the sounds.
Our Lead Learners for after the holidays are Olivia N and Milly.
Have a great holiday and I look forward to hearing all of the stories on Tuesday 22nd October!
Mrs Wallace