There are regular opportunities for parents and carers to be involved in the life of the school.  This year, we are delighted to continue our "Family Welcome Breakfasts."  Each class will take part in this event during the month of September and again in February/March.  The September sessions will provide an informal opportunity for parents and carers to meet their child's teacher and to visit classrooms.   Session in February and March will have a curricular focus with parents/carers learning more about a particular aspect of learning.

We will also have parental engagement sessions throughout the year for parents and carers to attend to support their child's learning.  These may take the form of family learning sessions, class assemblies or shared learning sessions.  

In October and March there will be opportunities for you to book an appointment with your child's teacher to discuss their progress. An electronic system is in operation and you will receive notification from us when the system is live for booking.  Appointments will be offered in person in the first instance however any parent/carer who wishes a telephone appointment can request this.

In November and May, we host our "Sharing our Learning" events.  These sessions provides parents/carers with an opportunity to come into school to spend time with your child/children looking at learning and discussing with them the things that are going well and looking at what children can do to "grow their learning" to make this even better.  

At the end of the school session in June there will be a formal summary report of your child's learning sent home.

You are very welcome to contact your child's teacher by telephone (01506 652916) or email ( if you have something you wish to share or discuss.